Identify the Key Aspectss of Current Legislative Requirements and Codes of Practice Relevant to Your Subject and Type of Organisation Within Which You Work

A definition of ground rules I found in the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is ‘the basic rules or principles on which future actions or behaviour should be based’.

Ground rules are needed in a classroom environment to create the best possible conditions for learning. I would aim to clarify all ground rules from the start of a course or term so there would be no confusion as to what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. Everyone would start the course with the same mindset and will be able to concentrate fully on learning.

I would think about some basic ground rules before the beginning of a course so I could guide the class to include some ground rules I feel are important such as:
 Arriving on time
 No use of mobile phones during class time
 Listening to others when they are speaking

Rather than state these, though, I would try to help the class reach these conclusions themselves in a group discussion. That way everyone can be involved in establishing the ground rules they feel are important for their group. This method means that everyone feels involved and feels a personal responsibility to keep the rules they have suggested rather than merely having to comply with requirements that have been demanded.

I would encourage the group to also think of any exceptions they think would apply to the ground rules that have been set and what these would be. An example of this would be the use of mobile phones. While a ground rule would be no use of mobile phones during class time the exception would be that if someone were expecting an emergency call they may have their phone switched on during the lesson but leave the room to take the call.