Human Rights Act

The Human Rights Act 1998

The Human Rights Act in the United Kingdom came into force on the 2nd October 2000 and underpins many of the core values which the care industry must adopt.

The Human Rights Act ensures the rights of individuals. This means that individuals are entitled to seek help from the courts if they believe that their human rights have been infringed. The Human Rights Act ensures basic human rights such as the right to life, freedom and security, the right to choice, conscience and religion, the right to marry and find a family etc.

Within my job role, It is important to ensure all service users have as much choice surrounding their care as possible. When conducting a care plan, it is imperative that the service user is given as much choice as possible in regards to their care. This could be whether they prefer a shower or a bath, what time they would like their care, and whether they would like to wear a skirt or a pair of trousers that day.

Some service users, who may be of a certain religion may only want carers of the same religion, which must be adhered to. Some service users may only want a female carer, or a male carer, which I would then be responsible for setting up on the system, and ensuring these choices are adhered to.

The care sector has the responsibility to promote and respect human rights on a daily basis, from drafting policies regulations and rules, through internal staff and policy issues, administration, decision making, to implementing policy and working with members of the public.

Working in the care sector, It is my responsibility to promote the right to life, the right to freedom from abuse or degrading care received , the right to respect, privacy and confidentiality.   It is important that I ensure people receive The right to freedom of thought, conscience or religion. Individuals should never be discriminated against, they should be given the right to marry, education and the right to vote....