Huck Finn

Huck Finn Evaluation Essay
Throughout history, American society has progressed from a pathetic, unstable environment to a thriving economic and political country. Looking closer at early America's actions and morals, though, the country is not so prosperous. Within the story Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, he exposes America as a plagued culture. Americans have lowered themselves to a point where they did not even realize how corrupted they were with conformity, blind acceptance of institutions, and deceptiveness of human beings.
Conformity shows lack of the ability to think for oneself. One just follows the rest of the crowd and does not bother to think twice about what he/she is doing. Like in Huck Finn, the southern whites all show some kind of racist remark towards black slaves with the exception of Huck Finn who gradually strays away from society's way of thinking. It takes someone without parents to see what is wrong. Twain also focuses on the idea that the South has brainwashed its people into believing in the norm, which was to praise slavery and hate blacks, yet still contain good morals with everything else. The South's   children do not know any better and are ultimately doomed to follow their parents. The South is united as one in every aspect.
Blindly going through the motions of society is utter disaster. In American history, the South mostly was agricultural and the North was industrial. Why could the two economies not mix with each other? The North and the South have already created a trend that would be hard to break. Within Huck Finn, it points out how religion is useless. Miss Watson tries to teach Huck to believe in God and about heaven and hell. Huck gives religion a chance but then decides that he does not like it because he believes that religion does not work to his advantage. Here Huck is not blindly accepting religion. He is first getting to know what religion is and then making an opinion on it. Huck shows that he is an independent...