
Reflecting on activities from work and also other places is a great way to develop the things that you know, and also discover what you don’t know, allowing you to set your mind on ways to develop your knowledge and fill in any gaps in your knowledge. Learning to properly reflect on what has happened is in the past is one of the most valuable personal skills, and it’s a way that an individual can develop themselves without the need for textbooks and training, merely learning not to repeat mistakes you’ve made, and recognizing actions as mistakes in the first place goes a long way to making a person more efficient at their job role. It’s important to access the skills you have, and also the skills you lack to know where improvement is needed, and knowing exactly what you want to learn is useful in reducing the time necessary in producing a new skill. Along with having knowledge and skills, knowing how and sometimes more importantly when to use them is just as important, such as recognising how we behave or the certain ways in which we perform tasks. Reflective practice is a practice in which you learn to understand yourself greater, such as your competencies and skills, along with knowing when to use the knowledge you have gained and all the workplace practices in general, this is achieved by; considering what it is you do, considering why is it that you do it in that particular way, recognising whether it was successful and if it could perhaps be done any better, and planning for changes to amend any mistakes you have been making.

2 With an individual becoming increasingly more reflective they can often be more self-aware, which lends itself to creating a more efficient individual that is more aware of others, and can constantly improve themselves. 1.3

Describe ways to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work. Ensuring that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct your quality of work is more difficult than it...