
Comparative Religions Essay

Name: Karen Ge

Grade: 8 Blue

Subject: Hums

Grade: Mr. Staccone

In humanities we have been learning that there are numerous religions that spread around the globe, such as: Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism etc. Religion is a collection of beliefs, world views and cultural systems that have its own symbol and a sacred history intended to show how life was made and the meaning of life. Billions of people have their own religion that they follow everyday. I personally don’t have my own religion so at this moment, I would be part of Jainism who should do no violence, no lying, no attachment to any possessions, no stealing and no sexual restraint. If I could change from being an Jainism to a different religion, I would choose Christianity because Jesus was a good man one who dared to die for saving people and priests accompany those who are christians through marriage and death. Jesus is one who doesn’t devalue nature. He respects nature, teaching us to not damage the environment.

Jesus was a good man, a true hero who died achingly by the cause of ‘Crucifixion’ (horrible death punishment used by the ancient Jews) to SAVE and PROTECT the people from Pontius Pilate who cooperated with a few Jewish leaders. A quote from: Isaiah:53:5-6, NIV “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” http://www.ucg.org/booklet/jesus-christ-real-story/who-killed-jesus/ That moment, he had the world on his shoulders where he was nailed up onto a cross before the crowd and suffered through pain that was so intense, enough for one to long for death for days without relief. However, after three days being buried, he revived because he is God.

For those who have a religion as a christian, priests would accompany them through different things.Christians would marry in churches and say their...