Health Professions

Initially, I decided to take this introductory class to learn more about the medical field and related fields of study. I was interested in the opportunities that were offered in these sciences and my options for a health care career. There was much information presented at each lecture, detailing the chosen profession.
The guest speakers did a great job presenting the material and describing their area of expertise.   They explained the expectations of the field and the nature of their work. I believe that the variety of career choices presented and the amount of detail given provides an excellent range of choices for the uncertain student or at least gives them a place to start when deciding their choice for a lifelong career.
I learned much from the presentations given in this class. The speakers would commonly start of by defining their profession and explaining the way that they came to be the given professional. Many facts and statistics were used showing the amount of schooling that was required and facts about the career in question. Job opportunities, salaries, and pros / con were stated by the speakers.
As I began the class in the beginning of the semester, I was considering the laboratory science career. I have already done research on this profession and it was particularly interesting to me. I was mostly intrigued by the work environment and description of the job. These scientists spend their time in a laboratory analyzing body tissues and fluids. There is minimum patient exposure and allows for more time spent in thought and contemplation. However, from the presentation I learned that the jobs are timed which leads to stressful multitasking. I would prefer not having these limitations and am now considering going to medical school.
Overall, this class is beneficial for the student who is exploring their options and unsure about their future career. The professor is knowledgeable on the subject and is not overly demanding on class assignments....