Harmful Nutrition in Pregnancy

Many substances can be harmful to a growing fetus, causing birth defects or unhealthy babies. Ones that most are not aware of. In order to become attentive to these, a lot of research has to be done. Concentrating on staying healthy while pregnant is in every woman’s best interest if they want a healthy child, so here are some helpful tips on what to avoid and how to nourish a fetus into a healthy baby.
Dieting during pregnancy:
To start off with, there are recommended intakes of certain nutrients a pregnant woman should consume.
Pregnancy is a time of growth, making amino acids and protein especially important. A pregnant woman’s need for protein increases to 50 grams daily. Choose organic sources of protein to avoid exposure to pesticide, hormones, and other chemicals that can be found in nonorganic meat and dairy (Carlson-Rink, 2009).
Even when not pregnant, pesticides, hormones, and other chemicals are bad for you, but especially when carrying and helping develop another human. It is best to stay as far away from consuming these products as possible. The extra protein needed when pregnant is still very important so sticking with organic meat and consuming the right amounts is best.
It has been proven by many researches that folic acid is a necessity when pregnant. To receive correct amounts of this, it is best to take a multivitamin/mineral. Benefits from taking a multivitamin/mineral are astounding. “It may help to reduce the incidence of maternal high blood pressure, childhood cancers, and birth defects” (Carlson-Rink, 2009). To help avoid an unhealthy pregnancy, it is best to invest in taking a multivitamin/mineral. It won’t completely take away the risks, but it will help in some way, which is the goal to achieving a healthy pregnancy.
Having low iron during pregnancy can also cause problems. “Iron deficiency is linked to miscarriage, low birth weight, preterm labour, postpartum depression, and iron deficiencies in infants” (Carlson-Rink,...