Exercise for Children

ASG 11
      1.1 Outline the benefits of exercise for children
Exercise can help solve the problem of obesity in children, which is the most common cause of various diseases.
Strengthens bones as it increases the bone mineral density, so strong bones are less prone to bone diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis.
Exercise provides protection against cardiovascular problems, helps to reduce high blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of hypertension and strokes when they become adults.
Improves mental health, it helps in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, improves self-esteem and a child’s self-image, and also aids them to cope with stress.
Improves the flow of blood to all body cells and tissues, including the brain. This provides sufficient energy for physical and mental activities and makes them feel energized.

1.2a Identify the requirements of current frameworks for:
Outdoor access
Outdoor access should preferably be available all the time as well as indoor space so children can choose activities and follow their interests. The outdoor space needs to offer shade and shelter, and children should have opportunities to experience changing seasons, weather and the natural world. Outdoor space needs to allow space for children to be active or quiet, and where they can think, dream and watch others. Space needs to be appropriate for the age and development of all children, it also needs to be secure and free from hazards. There needs to be well-organised areas and resources, both natural and manufactured, which are accessible by all the children. There should be opportunities for a range of activities and offers children the freedom to explore, use their senses and be physically active.
In the EYFS there is a clear requirement for children to spend some time outdoors as part of the safeguarding and welfare requirements, this gives children the opportunity to run around freely, to experiment and explore their environment and take risks....