“Events Shape People More Than People Shape Events”

“Events shape people more than people shape events”
How Accurate is this statement in relation to Bismarck?

Events shape the actions of people, but it can also be seen that the actions of people shape the events which occur. Bismarck had great influence on the events leading up to German unification, but the actions which Bismarck took were taken based the circumstances and the events which surrounded him. The three wars leading to the German unification did happen due to the actions of Bismarck, but he did not himself shape the events in order to make them happen. Bismarck’s behaviour was determined based on the events surrounding him. Events do shape people more then people shape events, but Bismarck’s actions did determine many events which occurred.  

Bismarck may be seen as a figure that shaped the unification of Germany. According to the reports of Disraeli, Bismarck planned the unification of Germany as early as 1862, which involved three wars in order to unify Germany. Bismarck attacked Denmark in order to get Schleswig and Holstein. Then by allying with Austria and co-administering Schleswig-Holstein, Bismarck trapped Austria into another war and after defeating Austria, Bismarck established the North German Confederation. Bismarck used the Spanish Succession Question to provoke France into war, showing some great logical design. Bismarck gained French impartiality by deceiving Napoleon III into thinking that he would get territorial compensation. Before fighting France, he secured Austrian neutrality by treating her leniently after the Seven Weeks War. Finally, Germany was unified in the same sequence that Bismarck had planned. It is seen that the actions of Bismarck did shape the events leading up to the unification of Germany.

Bismarck built the Prussian military immediately after being appointed the role of Prime Minister using methods such as conscription and establishing a military college to develop skilled officer elite, as it was an...