Early Years and Learning

2.1 Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors

Give one example of a possible influence on the development of children and young people

Personal Factors:

Health status
If a child is in poor health then this will have an impact on their development. For example, a child with uncontrolled asthma or cystic fibrosis may not be able to run around and be as active as their peers. Therefore, this would mean that his physical development might not be the same. Not being able to play outside would almost certainly affect the social development, as children make many friendships on the playground and at after school clubs.

Genetic information is what triggers a disability, such as Down’s syndrome. This means that they may have an impairment of cognitive ability and physical growth so they will need extra support in daily activities. They also have different facial characteristics, which can lead to bullying. Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive non-contagious disability that is also developed at birth due to the brain. This affects motor conditions that cause physical disability in human development, resulting limits in movement and posture.

Sensory impairment
Visual or hearing If a child has a hearing problem this would influence their development, it could affect their speech and communication and may make them feel they are unable to join in with other children’s games if they can’t communicate properly with them. Visual impairment can also influence a Childs development they are unable to watch and learn from what others are doing.

Learning difficulties
A child with learning problems may be many developmental years behind their peers; this will have a big impact on what they can do in all areas of development including physical skills, social skills and intellectual skills.
Children with learning difficulties will need extra support with certain areas of development and may develop a...