Early Childhood Development

Early Childhood Development (Age Group 5-6 year old)
The early childhood development phase is the phase in which children develop in a broad spectrum. The developmental stages range from physical to emotional changes up to intellectual changes. During this phase, children become more active and generally busy. Different physical and biological developments start taking place and are easily recognizable when analysing there fine and gross motor skills during play and structured activities.   Physical and Intellectual attributes such as weight, height and brain development starts developing and play an important role in this stage of the child’s developmental progress. Therefore it is important to pay close attention to the way in which children develop during this phase and to find means of implementing and encouraging ways of learning in order to have a successful outcome when viewing the developmental levels of this phase. (LOUW, D and Louw, A, 2010)

Cognitive Development   (Bridget Cummins   Student No: 10251767)
The cognitive development of the young child refers to aspects and functions relating to thinking and ideas, that is, all aspects of his perceptual faculty.   The study of cognitive development includes motor, perceptual, memory and linguistic development of intelligence (de Witt, M., 2009, p. 5-6).
Jean Piaget regarded human cognitive functioning as a way of interacting with the environment, which is an important means of ensuring survival.   He did not however hold the view that intellectual development is solely the result of biological maturation.   He maintained that although the maturation of the nervous system determines the totality of possibilities and impossibilities, a particular social environment remains indispensable for the realisation of these possibilities, and stated that their realisation can be accelerated or regarded as a function of cultural and educational conditions influencing the process.
Although Piaget believed in the child’s...