Dtlls Cert Ed Enabling Learning and Assessment

DTLLS: Enabling Learning and Assessment – Task 1

(ALO 1 - demonstrate understanding and analyse a range of theories, principles and applications of formal and informal assessment and their roles in learning and evaluation.
ALO 2 - discuss the significance of equality and diversity issues for the assessment of learning)

Produce an essay in which you analyse a range of theories, principles and applications relating to the use of formal and informal assessment and their roles in learning and evaluation.   You should also discuss the significance of equality and diversity issues for the assessment of learning.

Assessment, in all its forms is a tool for gaining a better understanding of what a learner has managed to retain. It should also, performed properly be an accurate measure of what learners have understood, though for a number of reasons, this is not always the case.

It is an ongoing process of measuring progress toward established learning outcomes, and providing a basis for feedback to improve learners understanding of how to improve on their work. It is a systematic and cyclic process that makes expectations and standards explicit and public.

The first stage in any well managed program of education is initial and diagnostic assessment; essential in order to ascertain the key strengths, and more importantly weaknesses in a learner’s knowledge profile and, as is practice at XXX, in order to create an Individual Learner Plan. This plan consists of the setting of realistically achievable goals in the timescale available, and action points in order to ensure that these goals are met.

With the typical profile of learners at XXX these goals will usually be to gain a greater level of competency in both numeracy and literacy. A personal and social development goal is also included, with their attitudes to work and peers being assessed as well as their numeracy and literacy levels.

Throughout a learners engagement in program a continuing process...