Dr Faustus -Summary and Comments

Christopher Marlowe, baptised on 26 February 1564, was an English dramatist and poet of the Elizabethan period.
Marlowe eas born in Canterbury, his date of birth is unknown. He went to the King's School in Canterbury and then to Cambridge.
Marlowe's first play performed on the regular stage in London was Tamburlaine the Great.
Marlowe is often alleged to have been a government spy.
In 1592 Marlowe was arrested for his alleged involvement in the counterfeiting of coins.
On Wednesday 30 May marlowe was killed.

Doctor Faustus
Doctor faustus was first performed in 1590.
Marlowe uses blank verse: a strongly rhythmic, regular unrhymed line in iambic pentameter which is usually end-stopped
The tragedy is also a comedy because it was a parody of Faustus's own pride and stupidity. He exchange is soul and gain nothing more than satirist's trivial trickery. It is the foolosh comedy that shows us Faustus as something of an idiot.
This man who hoped to become something more than human by trading his soul for supernatural knowledge in the end reamins with nothing.
To construct Doctor Faustus, Marlowe used many of the conventions of the medieval morality play. This popular form narrated the gradual education of its hero into an understanding of the difference between right and wrong. The hero came to the conclusion of the play a maturer, wiser and better man.
In the first Scene we know something about the protagonist. He came from poor parents in   germany and became a talented scholar at the university of wittemberg. His intellectual skill led him to lose all humility, since he could defeat anyone in argument. One level of pride led to another and he became excessively ambitious.

Scene 1
Faustus lists the great authors he has read, all of them are useless to him.
So he sends his servant to fetch Valdes and Cornelius, who are to be his tutors in black magic.
The good and evil angel appear and offer him advice. But he has already made his decision.