
Effective leaders strive to manage their healthcare organizations using sound management practices. They lead by developing strategies and implementing them. They adopt strategic management practices that rely on logic, rational decision making and inductive sense making. Productive work environments are planned, orderly, caring, team-based, and learning and development oriented. Most leaders advocate managerial styles that build long lasting endurance through the use of rational and thoughtful processes. However, there are administrators who may mean well, but whose styles are anxious and idiosyncratic. Their neurotic styles tend to undermine and obliterate the effectiveness of their organizations and people and lead to reckless results.
Often out of fear and opportunism, employees adopt and mimic the neurotic styles of their supervisors and influential leaders. In such settings, the work culture sooner or later becomes neurotic and toxic. In toxic cultures, people experience a broad range of unproductive feelings of helplessness, distrust, defensiveness, anger, apathy, and even depression. When habitually neurotic employees are advanced to key leadership positions, it is inevitable that people and organizations will suffer. People in such cultures feel trapped and uncertain about their futures and careers. They resort to behaviors that are unproductive for themselves and their organization. Employees subjected to neurotic managerial styles often experience stress and lowered quality of work life. Some eventually leave otherwise acceptable jobs and work environments to be rid of the abuse.
A neurotic style indicates a person’s limitation in learning needed skills to adjust and cope effectively in the work environment. Such a style often reflects an inability to self-reflect, introspect, and learn about one’s perception of a situation, respective role, impact on others, and others’ impact on self for developing and engaging in more effective behavior. While...

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