Diabetes Mellitus

Over six million Americans have a chronic (slow onset, sneaky symptoms, and long term) disease (illness) called Diabetes Mellitus (a disease that causes an insulin deficiency).   Insulin (a hormone that produces by the pancreas) is very important when it comes to metabolizing carbohydrates.   Many people do not even know that they have this disease.   Those who do not know often go undiagnosed (not knowing the resulted decision).
In the United States alone, nearly twenty billion dollars has been spent in health care costs annually according to a new study performed by Dr. Yiduo Zhang of the Lewin Group in Falls Church, Virgina.   Dr. Zhang and his fellow colleagues have studied a health care pattern over a two- year period that resulted in this diagnosis (knowing the resulting decision).
Diabetes does not discriminate.   Unfortunately, this disease has not just affected Americans, but people all over the world.   Dr. Sreekumaran, an endocrinologist (a person that studies glands that produce hormones) at the Mayo Clinic has estimated that over thirty million Asian Indians have been diagnosed with Diabetes. Some experts expect this number to double over the next three decades.   It has been established during this research, that even though the subjects were not obese (very fat), it seems that the insulin resistance was higher among Asian Indians.   The muscle mitochondria (a part of the muscular cell that helps nutritional energy change to cellular energy) was a huge factor.   Among the many nutrients our body utilizes everyday, Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin ( a white, crystal formed vitamin that can be found in egg yolk, liver, and cereal) was found to be critical (extremely important) in vascular ( vessel or ducts that move blood) health.        
Professor Paul Thornalley, a lead researcher at the University of Warwick, discovered that Vitamin B1 deficiency led to microvascular (small vessels) and macrovascular (large vessels) complications.   The microvascular...