
Among other definitions, the Oxford Dictionary also defines relationship as an emotional and sexual association between two people. It develops over time through the couple’s disposition for mutual compromise, commitment towards each other or for various other reasons. Thus, no one size fits all in the formation and sustenance of a relationship.

Usually when people starts off in a new relationship it is easy to ignore the bad habits of the other person for a while until the excitement gradually reduces or you are unable to hide your own bad habits any longer, and at this stage you are both left with the reality of everyday.   It is for this reason that finding the balance becomes a very crucial aspect in every relationship.

This essay will be using the case study provided to develop a treatment plan. Alongside to justify the assessment and proposed actions in terms of the relationship models and concepts introduced in the module. The case study reads;

  "Six years ago Mr G was diagnosed with a progressive neurological condition that has affected his mobility seriously.   The condition will get worse but no time limit can be given to its progression.   He is now in a wheelchair most of the time due to fatigue and susceptibility to falling.   He has good days but   more often he has days when he is immobile and depressed.
His wife of 18 years has cared for him throughout the illness and seems happy to do so. However in the last 3 years their sexual relationship has deteriorated and is now non-existent.   This is not just due to Mr G's mobility problems but   also to the fact that he can no longer achieve an erection when they attempt to be intimate with each other.
Mr G has admitted that in the last year or two he has felt suicidal about this problem and feels complete failure in the relationship and in life in general.   The couple's sex life used to be very active and in his words experimental.   Mr G feels that a great chunk has been taken out of their...