Dementia Awareness

UNIT 10 Dementia Awareness

      1.1 Dementia is a mental disorder a disease that deteriorates the function of the brain and is incurable.
      1.2 Cognitive, memory and personality.
      1.3 They may have the same signs and symptoms.
2.1 Medical model focuses on diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Dementia is an organic mental disorder, deterioration of the brain function that affects cognitive and memory.
2.2 The social model focuses on the person as a whole and has an interest in biological factors it focuses on the individual rather than the condition and is seen as a disability rather than a disease this results in person centred care.
2.3 By viewing dementia as a disability we have developed a new culture in care which focuses on person centred care providing a more positive attitude, overcoming discrimination.

3.1   With Alzheimer’s disease the brain tissue shrinks and loses brain cells. Neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques occur which causes brain cells to die off faster
Vascular A problem with the blood supply to the brain which starves the brain of oxygen and kills off the brain cells.
Lewry bodies Round clusters of protein form in the brain cells.
Picks Causes damage to the frontal and temporal lobes.

3.2   Symptoms may include bad memory, speech problems, difficulty making decisions, changes in behaviour, emotions, language and mood swings
3.3 Stroke, old age, brain damage, accident or head injury, short and long term memory loss.

3.4 The most common types of dementia are Alzheimer’s disease
Vascular dementia
Dementia with Lewy bodies
Picks disease.

4.1   Picks disease affects middle age people between 45-65 being affected at such a young age may cause the sufferer to have extreme mood swings as the disease affects their behaviour, emotions and language the person will become embarrassed and begin to avoid social situations which can cause isolation, depression and self-confidence issues. If Dementia affects a...