David Henry Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau
The life of Henry David Thoreau is characterized by what he believed in, what he wrote, and how he lived. Henry Thoreau was born into a middle class family, went to college at a young age, and spent his life writing in a journal and working to earn his living. He believed in freedom and personal unity.
Henry David Thoreau was born on July 12, 1817 in Concord, Massachusetts (gradesaver). His father was a shopkeeper, and later owned a pencil-making business that brought financial stability (Witherell and Dubrulle). He had three siblings, they were all hardworking; and they even helped pay for his college tuition (gradesaver), which at the time was $179 a year (Witherell and Dubrulle). When he was young his family moved to Chelmsford and Boston (Witherell and Dubrulle); they then moved back to Concord in

1823 (gradesaver). It is noted that his first visit to Walden Pond was at the age of four (gradesaver). Thoreau’s grandfather’s almamator was Harvard, so Thoreau went to Harvard (gradesaver).   Thoreau went college at sixteen (gradesaver). At Harvard, Thoreau took four modern languages, took classes such as Math, English, History, and Philosophy, and he also studied Latin and Greek grammar and Composition (gradesaver). He had considered himself a writer already while he attended college (gradesaver). Although he graduated in 1837, Thoreau was able to use the Harvard library for the rest of his years (Witherell and Dubrulle).
After college Thoreau returned to Concord, and worked many jobs while keeping his journal (calliope). He stayed with and work as a handyman for the Emerson family (calliope). Thoreau later took up teaching, but got fired, after two weeks, for refusing to beat the children (calliope). After he got fired, Thoreau and his brother opened a school; they closed it a few years later in 1841 (Witherell and Dubrulle). Thoreau now had to earn his living other ways (Witherell and Dubrulle). He had two sources for...