Cypop2 Formula

evaluate the benefits of different types of formula that are commonly available
Infant formulas were created to mimic breast milk. They are designed and manufactured to extremely high standards to give babies all the nutrients they need in order to thrive and grow. The specialty formulas are used to address infant digestion problems, such as lactose intolerance, sodium intolerance or to avoid acid reflux. There is even a specific formula developed for premature infants that help the child quickly gain weight.

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Powdered formula feeds can cause food poisoning unless they are prepared properly and given to babies in sterilised bottles. They also have to be made up in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction.
Where breast milk is not being used there is a range of formula milks available. Types of formula milk:

Whey dominant milks – these formula milks are closest to breast milk and are favoured by health professionals who suggest they should be used until a child moves onto full fat milk at 12 months.

Standard newborn formula (whey-based)
Most first stage formulas (that is, formulas suitable from birth) are made from cow’s milk, which is adapted for newborn babies. These milks have a whey to casein ratio similar to breast milk (60:40). They have low sodium and potassium levels, making them better for newborns, who have immature kidneys.
Whey-based formulas are the first choice if you don’t breast feed. Examples include (listed alphabetically):
• Cow & Gate Complete Nutrition 1 First Infant Milk
• Heinz Nurture Stage 1
• Hipp Organic First Infant Milk
• Milupa Aptamil 1 Easy Digest First Milk
• SMA 1 First (previously SMA Gold)
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These milks are often described as for newborns. They are based on the whey of cow's milk and...