Current Legislative Requirements and Recent Reforms That Have Taken Place in Teacher Training

Summarise the current legislative requirements and recent reforms that have taken place in teacher training. Look at Lifelong Learning (LLUK), Institute for Learning (IfL), awarding bodies and anything that may affect your own specialist area. Research online and make sure you use references at the end of your assignment, which should be about one to two pages ‘With the increasing emphasis on lifelong learning, VET teachers (and trainers) as learning facilitators can now be regarded as a core profession in the knowledge society. Improving the standing of teachers is, therefore, a significant lever for increasing the quality of vocational education, as acknowledged by many International and national organisations’ Soren Nielsen, European Training Foundation, Elsevier World REeducation Encyclopedia. I am the co-director of a small fitness and exercise training provider, where I work as an assessor/trainer. As an assessor I have to ensure that we are aware of key generic legislation and stay up to date with industry specific legislation relating to my current role. Our industry specific legislation relates to the fact we are a provider of Skills Active endorsed training, and the principle of continuing professional development (CPD). As a trainer/assessor we have to abide by Skills Active guidelines and Code of Practice and ensure I keep up to date with changes to course criteria and to Continuing Professional Development Points. Recently Skills Active stated the influx in innovative and creative training equipment not covered within level 2 or 3 national qualification. This has resulted in necessary changes in some areas of continued professional development training. Therefore, as a training provider looking to gain endorsement for the following pieces of equipment Kettlebells, suspension training, boxing, kick boxing, group indoor cycling, boot camp we have been advised to provide 8 hours learning with a fit for purpose assessment to ensure the learning outcomes...