Counselling Level 2 Assignment 1

Level 2 Introduction to Counselling
Task 1 - Identify different forms of helping relationships. Define counselling and describe how counselling is different from other helping relationships by differentiating between giving advice and facilitating the listening process.

There are many different forms of helping relationships, I have worked for the past twenty years as a Primary School Teacher and on a daily basis I help children to learn and to develop social skills with others.   I give advice and guidance to both children, parents and to other adults in my working environment.   When giving advice this is often a one way exchange giving opinion, making a judgement and making a recommendation in a persuasive way.   When giving guidance this is also mainly a one-way exchange, showing the way, educating, influencing, instructing and encouraging. In other professions such as Doctors they may give medical advice and guidance when diagnosing and prescribing medication.   Nurses and Pharmacist may give some medical and personal advice and guidance. Similarly, a Solicitor may give legal advice. Whilst a Vicar/Priest may give spiritual advice for example in a bereavement situation, advice to couple who wishing to get married, a christening or simply in a caring capacity to help those who may need help and support. All of these examples establish a helping relationship; but what they offer is not counselling.
The term “Counselling” is frequently confused with giving, and dictionaries still define counselling in terms of advice and guidance. The primary difference between counselling and other forms of helping is the way in which the counsellor listens.   The counsellor listens not only to the words spoken, or the problems presented, but also to the person as a whole.   Counselling occurs when a counsellor sees a client in a private and confidential setting.   Counselling is always at the client’s request, no one...