Corruption as Social Problem

Table of Contents

Topic | PageNo. |
Part 1: Corruption defined | 2 |
Abstract | 2 |
Corruption | 3 |
Types of Corruption | 3 |
Economic Causes of Corruption | 6 |
Part 2: Corruption in Bangladesh | 8 |
Reality of Corruption | 8 |
Social costs of corruption | 9 |
Consequences (threats) of Corruption | 10 |
Impact of Corruption | 12 |
Suggested Solutions | 13 |
Conclusion | 15 |
References | 16 |

Part 1: Corruption defined

This Sociological Study of Corruption as a Social Problem in Bangladesh examines corruption as a social problem and a phenomenon that illustrates certain problems in agenda-setting in sociology. Understanding such questions as why corruption remains largely outside the purview of sociology, and how sociological agendas are set can be found in the works of Syed Hussein Alatas, who wrote about corruption as far back as the 1950s. Sociology of corruption as a subfield failed to take off despite the ubiquity of this phenomenon. Studies of corruption remain a prerogative of the political scientists and public policy experts. Economists see corruption as a market-distorting externality and treat it as a peripheral subject. Gunnar Myrdal, who was an exception, in his 'Asian Drama', identified corruption as a serious bottleneck for Asian development. The problem persists 40 years on from Myrdal's analysis. In many countries in the developing world, corruption has become part of the fabric of society. Yet, sociological theorization and empirical studies are lacking. This article examines corruption both as a social problem and an indicator of the ‘corruption of sociology’, drawing on the writings of Alatas, especially his notion of ‘captive mind’ or the absence of intellectual autonomy on the part of the Third World sociologists.

Corruption is any course of action or failure to act by individuals or organizations, public or private, in violation of law or trust for profit or gain.