Introduction 3
Historical perspective of Constructivism 4-5
Defining Constructivism 5-8
Major Theorists of Constructivism 9-12
Guiding Principles of constructivism 12
Constructivism in Education 13
Constructivism in Education in Trinidad and Tobago 14-15
Advantages and disadvantages of Constructivism 16-17
Conclusion 17
Bibliography 18
Appendix 19
Constructivism has emerged as one of the greatest influences on the practice of education in the last twenty-five years. Constructivism is hardly a new school of thought. In a variety of post-structuralist theoretical positions, constructivism emerged as a prevailing paradigm.
The meaning of constructivism varies according to one's perspective and position. Within educational contexts there are philosophical meanings of constructivism, as well as personal constructivism as described by Piaget (1967), social constructivism outlined by Vygtosky (1978), radical constructivism advocated by von Glasersfeld (1995), constructivist epistemologies, and educational constructivism (Mathews, 1998). Social constructivism and educational constructivism (including theories of learning and...