Computers in Action

Technology in Action, Seventh Edition
Answer Key Chapter 11

Word Bank

• data dictionary

• data inconsistency

• data mining

• data warehouse

• decision support system

• field

• join query

• memo field

• metadata

• numeric field

• object field

• primary key

• relational algebra

• select query

• structured query language (SQL)

• table

• text field

• transaction processing system (TPS)

Instructions: Fill in the blanks using the words from the Word Bank above.

When constructing a database (1) table, it is important to ensure each record is identified uniquely. A(n) (2) primary key should be established as a unique field that will be included with each record. In a database, numbers such as 1234 are normally stored in a(n) (3) numeric field, but they also could be stored in a(n) (4) text field if calculations do not need to be performed on the number. Extremely lengthy textual data is stored in a(n) (5) memo field, whereas video files are appropriately stored in a(n) (6) object field. The (7) data dictionary fully describes each field in the database and its attributes. Data used to describe other data in this manner is referred to as (8) metadata.

Queries are used to prepare data for viewing or printing. A(n) (9) select query usually displays requested information from only one table. For displaying related information that is stored in multiple tables, a(n) (10) join query must be used. The most popular query language in use today is (11) SQL. Queries generated by this language make use of English-language statements driven by the mathematical principles of (12) relational algebra.

When individual databases are not sufficient to maintain all the data that needs to be tracked, a(n) (13) data warehouse should be created. Databases are often key components of (14) transaction processing system (TPS), which record routine business activities. A(n) (15) decision support system utilizes databases and other...