Christian Schools

Public schools and Christian schools are similar in that they both have a mission to educate students. Christian schools take an additional responsibility in wanting to provide a Christian background so that their students have a solid understanding of their faith when leaving the classroom. “The overall aim of Christian education is to help and guide students to be and become responsible and responsive disciples of Jesus Christ” (Van Brummelen 14). By providing a Christian foundation students are being given the tools they need to serve God throughout their lives. In comparison, public education system is more concerned with preparing students to be responsible citizens who can contribute to society. While the mission of the two educational systems is different, educators employed in a public school can still promote a Christian environment within their classroom. Teachers do not abandon their faith and Christian tendencies when they walk through a public classroom door. As a Christian, one has a moral responsibility to spread God’s love through your example. Christian teachers must “permeate classroom structures with righteousness, justice, compassion, and respect” (Van Brummelen 43). By teaching students to grow mentally and spiritually, students can experience God’s influence and learn that their lives can be enriched by learning more than what is printed in a text book.
While there has been a mandate to separate church and state, God’s presence can still be felt in public schools. Children are instructed on moral behavior and are taught to judge right and wrong. Students are encouraged to support others even when ability levels are vastly different. Learning to value and respect others are examples of Christian tendencies that are used daily in the classroom environment. “Ideally, children experience and develop their ability to live the Christian life within a secure family environment based on a Christian atmosphere” (Van Brummelen 6). If students do not...