
The Nice Trap?
  1. Agreeable employees provide a cooperative working environment to better communication. Agreeable people tend to be better liked and more compliant and conforming. They perform better in situations requiring teamwork and interpersonal interactions. Being agreeable also means being less aggressive. Being less pushy creates a disadvantage in being promoted or making successful negotiations. A disagreeable person might have the nerve to push unique ideas and stand behind them. Being disagreeable means being pessimistic and more selfish but also more engaged in work. Agreeable people are friendlier but give way in arguments and are easily moved in their opinions and ideas.
  2. Agreeableness is almost essential to work involving other people. Being in a team means being able to adapt and accept new ideas to obtain the best outcome. An event planning group will need to consist of a lot of agreeable people who are open to new designs, perspectives, etc. Large corporations require a lot of communication between the different departments of the company. For example, the advertising group needs to communicate with the financial advisors of the company to ensure the costs of marketing the company can be covered. Teachers have to be agreeable in the sense that they have to share and teach others while allowing comments and questions to be spoken openly and comfortably in class. In a very competitive setting, agreeable people tend to not do well and do not complete their goals. A sales person needs to be friendly but aggressive and assertive. A completely agreeable person would have a hard time selling items, especially costly items, to people because they would accept “no” as an answer more so than someone who is persistent and disagreeable. By being overly agreeable, one may try to please everyone, wasting time and energy.
  3. Society has developed gender roles over time. Men are supposed to be strong and hardheaded and audacious. Women are seen as...