American History Journals

2nd Set of Journal Entries

Entry 1. National Industrial Recovery Act

The   National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 was signed into a law on June 16, 1933. National Industrial Recovery Act was one of the most important and daring measures of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. NIRA was divided into three sections, or titles. Title I promoted centralized economic planning by instituting codes of fair competition for industry. Title II provided $3.3 billion for public works projects. Title III contained minor amendments to the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932. NIRA created the National Recovery Administration (NRA) to oversee the drafting and implementation of the codes of fair competition. Under the supervision of the NRA, several hundred industry codes were rapidly enacted, but public support soon diminished. The codes tended to increase efficiency and employment, improve wages and hours, prevent price cutting and Unfair Competition, and encourage collective bargaining.

Entry 2. Agricultural Adjustment Act

The Agricultural Adjustment Act was signed on May 12, 1933. This act was also known as AAA. The Agricultural Adjustment Act restricted production during the New Deal by paying farmers to reduce crop area. Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus so as to effectively raise the value of crops, thereby giving farmers relative stability again. The farmers were paid subsidies by the federal government for leaving some of their fields unused. The Act created a new agency, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, which was to oversee the distribution of the subsidies. The agency oversaw a large-scale destruction of existing cotton crops and livestock in an attempt to reduce surpluses. No other crops or animals were affected in 1933, but six million piglets and 220,000 pregnant cows were slaughtered in the AAA's effort to raise prices. Many cotton farmers plowed under a quarter of their crop in accordance with the AAA's plans
