Ameliorating Speaking Fluency in Esl Learners Utilizing Auditory Dictionaries and Audio Books.Docx Uploaded Successfully

Ameliorating Speaking Fluency in ESL Learners Utilizing Auditory Dictionaries and Audio Books
Neda Aghaei
Sheikh Bahaei University
Instructor: Dr. Afzali

Abstract:   English spoken all around the world is asserted as the most global and frequent one being taught as a second language. Among English students studying structures, working on their reading comprehension, writing skills and other attainments; still we see a gap in their career which is the fluency in their speech. As a second language learner, no one is perfect and native-like speaker but what we try to work on in this study is to elaborate upon the significance and way of using auditory dictionaries and audio books, their advantages as the new means of learning a language and their teaching methodologies in making students fluent in their speech. In this direction, Richard et al.(1985) maintain that fluency is “the features which give speech the qualities of being natural and normal, including native-like use of pausing, rhythm, intonation, stress, rate of speaking, and use of interjections and interruptions.” This study seeks to investigate whether audio books and auditory dictionaries affect the learning process of speaking. At last this paper shows that speaking with above-mentioned tools can ameliorate the speaking fluency in the right path.

Keywords: fluent speech, language skills, auditory dictionary, audio books

Nowadays more and more English speaking courses are being developed for learners who find it difficult to make a balance between work hours and other commitments. More so these courses have plenty of advantageous features such as flexible course hours and software programs to help sharpen the learner’s ability in picking up the speech in comparatively lesser time duration. It comes as an immediate attraction to many. Also the programs are simply more efficiency generative and have better quality standards in improving the spoken English of a learner.