Alumina Simulation Paper

Alumina is unwillingly, learning about the hardships of repetition. For the second time in 5 years, they have found themselves in the middle of an environmental violation. The only difference is the first one found during a regular EPA inspection, and the second one derived from a costly mistake. This costly mistake has put Alumina in a very uncomfortable position, and it allowed their pass violation to resurface, and hinder their current situation.
Alumina is an international aluminum maker that operates in eight different countries around the world. In this particular case they were working out of Erehwon off the waters of Lake Dira, when defamation showed his ugly hand.   A local Erehwon resident named Kelly Bates, caught Alumina completely off guard claiming that, Alumina was responsible for her daughters current health condition. She claims that her daughters Leukemia diagnosis stems directly from the water contamination of Lake Dira. The Clean Water Act moved water pollution regulations from local to federal control. Federal standards for water discharges were established on an industry-wide basis, and all industries, regardless of state or location, and are required to comply (Jennings, 2006).   With Mrs. Bates claiming the company was in violation of the Clean Water Act, Alumina’s good compliance streak is in limbo.  
  This situation quickly began to get out of hand. Mrs. Bates began slandering the Alumina name by publically reporting her claim, and stating that the company’s proclaimed wrong doings.   According to the text The media enjoy a qualified privilege, which is freedom to publish information even though it may be inaccurate, so long as it is not published with malice or with reckless disregard for whether the information published is true or false (Jennings, 2006).   Mrs. Bates also requested a copy of the environmental audit report that got Alumina in trouble 5 years ago.   She was legally able obtain the report byway of the Freedom of...