Albert Speer

1.The scorched earth policy is a Military strategy to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy such as bridges, waterways, telegraphic and power facilities. in 1945 Adolf Hitler refused to surrender and ordered Albert Speer to Carry out a Nation Wide Scorched earth policy that became known as Nero Decree. Speer attempted to disrupt its implementation because he wanted the German people to be left with something to rebuild their lives in the future and he did not want to see everything he built and work hard for to be destroyed.  

2.Albert Speer distinguished himself in his early architectural work and Nazi party between 1934 to 1937 by tacking on responsibilities and working on architecture projects for the Nazi party such as 'strength throw joy' campaign, the 1934 party rally at Nuremberg were Albert Speer created the 'cathedral of light' by using 150 search lights point up these brought him further credit and recognition for his talents, the Berlin Olympic games in 1936 Albert Speer was could on to reconstruct the glass box that had angered Hitler for its simplicity, Albert Speer was able to satisfy Hitler with his organization skills and speed at fixing the problem. In 1937 Albert Speer design for the Paris world exhibition design of the germen pavilion won a gold from the judges and won Hitler's approval. Albert Speer became a man the Nazi Party can rely on to organize their relies and a man that could be relayed on to build Hitler's ambitions.                  
3.Albert Speer relationship with Hitler was very close even described by Gita Sereny as 'almost erotic'. As Albert Speer Started to design and decorate more Nazis Party rallies Hitler took notes of Albert Speer and his organizing ability so Hitler   made Albert Speer his own personal architecture and handed him a stream of projects to design, including the new Reich Chancellery in Berlin and the Party Palace in Nuremburg. they spent hours poring over designs, sharing the same pencil....