Adolescents Paper

Similarity and Differences in Adolescent Development
From the day of birth a child is given a label or sex-typed (Block, 19883: Etaugh, 1983). He or she is treated according to that label. Adolescence is the most significant surge of segregation between the two sexes since fetal development (Vasta, Haith, & Miller, 1992). Sex differentiation continues with girls developing faster than boys (Berk, 2010).   This paper summarizes the differential changes that occur during this stage in development as it relates to puberty, feelings toward puberty and nutrition.

From birth children treatment is largely influenced by their sex-type. Parents provide gender specific toys, clothing, and encourage gender stereotype behaviors and interests (Vasta, Haith, & Miller, 1992).   Extended family members, teachers, peers, and the community provide social approval or disapproval for gender-stereotyped behavior. Girls are provided more autonomy in the type of activities chosen, while boys are condemned for straying from the more defined male role (Vasta, Haith, & Miller, 1992). During adolescence changes in body proportions that occur in adolescence result in greater shoulder width and muscle development for boys and broader hips for girls preparing adolescences for adulthood (Vasta, Haith, & Miller, 1992).  

Puberty is the time in life when a boy or girl becomes sexually mature and able to reproduce. It is a physical change that usually happens between ages 9 and 14, somewhat earlier for girls than boys (Vasta, Haith, & Miller, 1992). Puberty affects boys and girls differently; girls add more fat and hips expand. Boys tend to add more height, muscle mass and shoulder width (Vasta, Haith, & Miller, 1992).  
For girls the first sign of puberty is breast budding which may occur as early as 9 years of age and as late as 13 years. This followed by pubic hair, acne, underarm hair and menarche (Vasta, Haith, & Miller, 1992).   For boys the first sign of puberty is the...