Adolescents and Addition

M6 Written Assignment: Counseling Approaches Videos
The main assumptions for these three methods is to focus on thoughts, emotions, behaviors and to create solutions. These three methods allow an individual talk and express about what has been going on and what is currently going on at the time, by thinking and finding positive ways to fix the issue.
Reality therapy sets a tone for the teenager to approach her problems in a positive manner. This therapy is based on adapting negative behaviors and habits into positive choices and behaviors. Reality therapy helps reflect on now and the future choices and not just the past mistakes that has been made. This therapy is about recognizing the problem and coming up with a positive plan to address the situation to come out with a positive outcome. Reality therapy is a collaborative process between therapist and client, and it is unique in the sense that it is ongoing. This means that if one plan of action fails, new ones will continuously be devised until the therapist and client are both confident that positive results are taking place, or are a near possibility. The strengths and benefits of reality therapy lie in its focus on solution-building - particularly on changing thoughts and actions. It provides individuals with a self-help tool to gain more effective control over their lives and their relationships - helping to boost their confidence and self-esteem and enabling them to better cope with adversity and grow personally (
The main weakness of reality therapy is that it may not be successful with clients who have problems that are more complex, like severe mental illnesses or childhood trauma (
Solution focused therapy helps define a problem and the solutions to change the problem history, triggering events, causes and long term approaches. This therapy’s goal is to help alter a...