A Worn Path Setting Analysis

Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path” takes place in early 19thcentury Jackson, Mississippi.The beginning mood of the story lends itself to be of a somber more serious nature by the description of the woods and the minimal sounds of nature. The story starts with Phoenix Jackson, an elderly “Negro” (Welty) womanwalking through the woods on a winter morning. Phoenix Jacksonis dressed in clothing lending itself to be of something worn by slaves,she is also carrying acane made from an old umbrella which assists her in walking.As Phoenix is continuing on her journey she also comes into contact with alligators in a swampy area, which also assists in the determination of the story taking place in the south. The setting plays a part as the antagonist as the terrain is working against her accomplishing her goal. This is made relevant when she comes to a log laid across a creek and she says “Now comes the trial.” (Welty)It is unclear what the character Phoenix is trying to accomplish until she arrives to town, but with every passage it is possible to see her determination and drive. One of the most ironic moments comes as Phoenix arrives at her destination and is momentarily unable to remember what she had come to do. Furthersense of ironyoccurs when Phoenix is standing on the street and appears to be watching various people walk by in amazement, but she is actually gauging the people to figure out which person she can ask to tie her tattered shoes. Another moment of irony came as the attendant of the doctor’s office said to Phoenix “It’s Christmas time, Grandma, could I give you a few pennies out of my purse?”(Welty), and Phoenix replied “Five pennies is a nickel.” (Welty) `
Works Cited
Welty, Eudora.A Worn Path.