A Feminist Reading of Henrik Ibsen's a Doll's House

A Feminist Reading of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House
Chronicling women's struggles for acceptance and equal status in society as depicted in modern literature: Ibsen's views on feminism in A Doll's House
History bears testimony to the struggles women have had to undergo in trying to realize their rights to freedom and equality of status in society. In all ancient societies girls and women were kept under male subjugation. Unfortunately discrimination on the basis of gender is prevalent in many cultures and societies till this present day.

Women’s desire to equality of social status, right to knowledge and education, right to equal opportunities, right to religion and right to expression have met with stiff resistance over the ages. That progress has been made in these areas in the past decades is not due to the munificence of men but because of technological advancements which required a larger work force and the demand for more skilled labor.

This is the first in a series of articles on women's issues as mirrored in literary works of contemporary writers and their treatment of these issues. This article deals with the case of Nora Torvald and through her character Ibsen’s strong views on feminism and feminist issues. The focus is on bringing out the enduring quality and strength of these apparently frail women protagonists and their contribution to the greater cause of women's emancipation world over.
A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

In Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House Nora Helmer was under the illusion that her marriage was perfect and that she was an ideal wife and mother. She was happy in the knowledge that she could please Torvald, her husband, with her pretty tricks and that Torvald being the champion of honor and would lay down his life in order to protect her and his family. Her illusion was broken when she was confronted by the reality of her situation.

Krogstad, the anti hero in the play, had written to Torvald and informed him all about Nora’s...