301— Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessments

301— Understanding the principles and practices of assessments
301.1 Understand the principles and requirements of assessment.
Ongoing assessment in learning and development during the length of a learner’s course or training allows the assessor and learner to monitor their progress and development. The initial assessment will be used to ensure a learner’s suitability to undertake the course and will take into account the learners previous training/qualifications, current position and job description and may include their future aims or aspirations and the operating requirements of learner’s employers. Formative assessment or on going checks throughout the length of a course provide the assessor and learner with an ongoing record of their progress and allows the assessor to provide feedback.   Summative assessments at the end of a course are used to evaluate the learner’s achievements, how they have developed and the skills they have acquired to achieve the necessary qualification.
The process of assessment is the way of evaluating and establishing a learner’s attainment of the specific skills, competence and understanding required to meet the required set criteria. By assessing how a learner performs in the workplace evidence can be gathered to prove they are competent in their role. The assessments undertaken should be valid, reliable and a fair judgement of a learners skills to compile an accurate record of how they are progressing.
Validity –The learners work or evidence produced is relevant to the standards/criteria against which the candidate is being assessed.
Reliability - The extent to which assessment results are consistent from one candidate to the next and from one assessor to the next.
Evidence is required to allow an assessor to make an informed decision of the learner’s knowledge and understanding of the tasks/activities involved. Evidence compiled is essential to show awarding bodies (i.e. City & Guilds) that the criteria is being met and...