Working with Teams

Working with Teams
                                          A team, as defined by Cheesebro T. et al. (2010), is a collection of interdependent individuals who work together, generally over a period of time, in order to achieve a common goal.   Lisa Magloff (2012) also described teamwork as different people and different groups working together to maximize their efficiency and reach a common goal. These definition gives us an insight as to how people can work together to achieve a common aim. The synergy formed from individual energy will make them accomplish more than they would do individually.
As the head of a problem resolution team, it is my responsibility to carry everyone along. I will employ these principles in trying to solve these problems of inadequate and inaccuracy in billing, hoarding of information needed for data entry, slowing production and payment for the doctor, but before that I need to be sure that people with the right communication ability, are with me. I would need a combination of assertive and aggressive communication ability on the team, in a bid to tackle the entire problem fair and square. The assertive communication style of person will be very useful in this problem solving agenda in a way that he will allow you and others to share information openly, truthfully without victimization of segregation Trust will be built, needs will be met and then problems will be solved. I will also look for people with aggressive communication style to fill in the committee because that style of communication will help us to achieve the result of getting people to co-operate with us. Most people would prefer to avoid confrontation with people who are aggressive (Cheesebro T. et al. (2010)). This reaction of people toward aggressive people will enable us achieve the aim of getting to find the facts that will lead to problem solutions.
Every team will have to be organized to perform optimally. This...