Tupang Ina

Today, technology now became a trend in the society. Especially, when it comes to institutions, like schools. Since we are now in this present era of computerization, modern technologies are being introduced. Most schools would defend in he used of the computer based as a tool.
Typical, a registrar processes the grades of the students once the instructor submitted their report card. A lot of parents are neither aware nor updated on their child’s performance in school; they did not know the grades that their parents or their child had received. Usually, students do not want to show their grades to their parents or their parents live in a distance place that is why they do not have the chance to show their grades even if they like to do so. These are the reason why we had created this research.
Base on my research, nowadays, universities like FEU, DLSU, AdU, UST, UPHS and ADMU use ONLINE GRADE ENCODING AND INQUIRY, they had a common objective and those are: For the parents to be updated on their child’s performance and to avoid children bluffs about their grades, It is not good to hear, but that is reality. Online Grade Encoding and Inquiry System is a web-based application that can be used to create report cards. It posts the grades of the students online. Also, Online Grade Encoding and Inquiry System is a system where the teachers encode grades via internet. It allows immediate access to grades. And often has user friendly features wherein parents and students have complete access to all grades as they are posted anytime.
In today’s living Most educators find it easy to find an online grade encoding and inquiry system in their schools or universities because it promotes a strong home-school connection and allow busy students or parents to get involved to their academic performance. Teacher/Instructors also say that having an online grade encoding and inquiry system makes it easier for them to input the grades of their grades...