The Importance of Free Play in Pre Primary School

The Importance of Free Play in Pre Primary School

Free play, or spontaneous play is extremely important part of a child's day at school, its importance often being underestimated, particularly by parents who may feel the teacher is opting out from their job in preference for an easy life. This is not the case. In free play, children use their first hand experiences in life. They are totally in control of their play and have the opportunity to make up rules as they go. They have the opportunity to use their imagination, which is unlimited, and to be creative making or utilising everyday objects as props. They try out new skills and it allows them to make sense of their relationships with their friends and their culture.

Outside free play gives children the opportunity to experience the world using all of their five senses and hands on interaction. Children are free to be enthusiastic and energetic in a safe manner. It helps intellectual and cognitive development. The outdoors provides an endless opportunity to explore and discover the world. Children can learn all about nature and their environment and how things work. It gives children the opportunity to exercise their bodies and their imagination. Playing outdoors improves the psychological and emotional well-being of children, they grow and develop as well as exercise their physical and motor skills, for example, by running and climbing.

Inside spontaneous play is more structured than outdoor play as it is dependent on the toys and resources available. It will give a child the opportunity to use reasoning abilities and be creative. A teacher must provide a good range of age appropriate toys that will suit different levels of development. The child will have the choice of who to play with or may choose to play alone or possibly even with an imaginary friend.

Social deveopment and interaction are also important aspects of free play. Children learn different behaviours and what is acceptable inside the...