Disability Issues and Inclusive Strategies in Primary School


Disability Issues
Inclusive Strategies
Primary School

Student’s names: Abigail Borg
I.D. Card nos.: 485989(M)
Course of study: Bachelors of Education (Honours) with Primary Education
Academic year: Second year
Year group: 2008-2012
What makes a school placement for a student effective? Make reference to your own experience and to literature.

Choosing the right placement
Often it seems that when we plan human services such as schools, we are literally obsessed and taken up by the only eccentric concern, that of grouping people together according to a particular standard amongst children, such as age. We are less likely to consider children who fail to achieve the very accurate aims we have set based solely on intellectual abilities. As a consequence to this, children are sent within another group and kept at arm’s length from other children and the entire community. This educational segregation is worthless as it is common that there will be children who seem not to fit in the allocation we have forced them to be part of, disregarding the fact that we as humans, all require different needs, regardless of who we are. Therefore, we need to make sure all the services’ facilities meet everybody’s needs long before we consider other highly irrelevant criterions. In other words, we should bear in mind that such services should be constructed to be accessible to the community at large.
Most preferably the choice of the children’s placement should be decided by putting first the child’s and family’s strengths and weaknesses. An informed decision on such placement is of an extreme importance to parents, teachers, and other service providers such as supportive assistants as it is one of the indicators that will show if the child will succeed or not. Therefore, they are highly responsible for their children by making sure they are given the best early intervention programs.

Why not inclusion?
Effective inclusion is all about...