Summarise the Key Aspects of Current Legislative Requirements & Codes of Practice Relevant to Your Subject and the Type of Organisation Within Which You Work / Like to Work.

Summarise the key aspects of current legislative requirements & codes of practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation within which you work / like to work.

While colleges have procedures and policies, along with dedicated & trained personnel to implement & monitor them (in accordance with race relations (amendment) Act 2000), the onus lies with the individual tutor to be responsible for race equality within the learning environment of his or her class.

The Act dictates the following general duties:

• Eliminate unlawful discrimination, &

• Promote racial equality and good relations between persons of different racial groups

• Put in place inclusive literacy, numeracy & language support mechanisms to help improve standards for specific groups of learners where necessary. (Class handout 2009)

Examples of promoting racial equality within a college setting could include

Confidentiality disclosure

As a tutor, being able to distinguish whether information shared by a learner is confidential and whether it is sensitive to the learner, & gaining their consent before passing it on, is a key aspect of confidentiality.   Personal details should be stored securely and any information shared should be recorded appropriately with accuracy.   Before talking to others about a learner or their work, it should be considered whether doing so would improve the quality of their learning and progress (Class handout 2009).   For example, such consideration should be applied when discussing a learner’s project proposal with another learner.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended by the Special Needs & Disability Act 2002 (SENDA) is the legislation that promotes non-discriminatory practice towards those with disabilities.   The Act stipulates that colleges must:

• promote non-discriminatory practice in the area of admissions & enrolments, and in the area of teaching, training & learning...