Psych 205

Corey Roessler
Psych. 205
Section 5721
Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud was born may 6, 1856 in Freiberg (now a part of the chech republic).   Freud studied medicine at the University of Vienna.   In 1882 Freud became engaged to Martha Berneys.   Freud's medicine practice in the early years specialized in the study of the nervous system which led to the sub-specialty of nervous disorders i.e. Hysteria. Sigmund Freud began to investigate psychological under lying aliments which led to the development of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory.
Freud‘s personality theory explores the unconscious preconscious and conscious.   The unconscious contains all those drives, urges or instincts that are beyond awareness.   The unconscious motivates most of our words, feelings and actions.   The preconscious contains thoughts that are not conscious but can become conscious.   The conscious is mental elements in awareness at any given time.
Sigmund Freud defined children’s development in term of psychosexual stages.   Development dealt with the conflict between sexual or biological norms.   Freud drew three conclusions the id, ego and super ego which battled for control over ones behavior.   The id functioned on pleasure principle (gratification urge).   The ego was the rational part of the brain seeking socially acceptable gratification. The super ego strives to balance to id and ego.
In 1926 Sigmund Freud and his daughter Anna organized the concept of defense mechanisms.     The purpose of establishing defense mechanism was to avoid dealing directly with the anxiety.
Freud realized to achieve adult-hood you must traverse stages of sexual conflict. He defined the infantile period which is the first stage of sexual development during the first four to five years after birth. The Latency period as the dormant psychosexual development happens from four or five till perpetuity.   The genital period is when adolescents give up autoeroticism and direct sexual energy towards another period and...