
Prologue Outline
I. Psychology’s Roots  
Objective 1: Define psychology.
A. Psychology- The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
1. Behavior is anything a person/organism does such as an observation of an                 action (can record of). Ex: Smiling, yelling, sweating, talking, and blinking.
2. Mental processes are from the internal aspect; infer from behavior. Ex: Sensations, perceptions, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.
3. Psychology (science) is less a set of findings that a way of asking and answering questions.
* evaluates competing ideas with observation and analysis
II. Prescientific Psychology
Objective 2: Trace its roots, from early understandings of mind and body to beginnings of modern science.
A. In earlier time, Buddha in India, Confucius in China, related and questioned the relationship between the mind and the body.
B. Socrates is an ancient Greece philosopher-teacher.
C. Plato is a student of Socrates.
1. Both concluded that the mind is separate from the body, lives after you die, and     knowledge is born within you.
D. Future Student of Plato Aristotle began to grow, more observational than logic; Plato and Socrates.
1. Believed knowledge was not preexisting; instead, grows from experiences stored in your memories.
E. Modern science begins to flourish (1600’s)
1. Rene Descartes is a brilliant Frenchman, agrees about existence of innate ideas and the mind being able to survive death.
a. Concluded that the fluid in the brain contains “animal spirits,” flowed through the nerves, and provoked movement.
2. Francis Bacon (Britain) was centered on experiment, experience, and common-sense thinking. He became a founder of modern science.
3. John Locke a British political philosopher, who believed at birth our minds have a clean slate and it, builds on experience.
a. His ideas and Bacon’s helped form Empiricism- view that knowledge originates in experience and therefore science should rely on...