
For an athlete the rehabilitation procedures aim to restore the athlete to their pre-injury level of fitness and range of movement. The general aim of rehabilitation is to return the injured athlete to the field of play, restore their performance and prevent any chance of re-injury of the same site. The speed of managing an injury correctly using the rehabilitation techniques may greatly reduce the rehabilitation time for the athlete. The Rehabilitation procedures include:
- progressive mobilisation of the injured part
- graduated exercise which incorporates stretching, conditioning and maintenance of total body fitness
- training to re-establish readiness for competition
- use of hot and cold therapies.
Any injury involving the muscular or connective tissues surrounding a joint will restrict movement of that joint. Joint mobilisation is the freeing of hindered joints to allow improved range of motion. The process is known as progressive mobilisation because the range of movement is gradually increased over time until the full range of movement is restored. Joint mobilisation can be achieved through active exercises such as plantar and Dorsiflexion or through the athlete performing inversion and eversion movement. This can also be achieved through passive methods such as being helped by someone else. Mobilisation of the injured part should begin soon after the injury because joint inactivity can increase the formation of scar tissue.
Then second part of the rehabilitation procedure involves the use of graduated exercise. This incorporates the use of stretching, conditioning and maintenance of total body fitness. Loss of flexibility occurs as a result of injury to muscle and connective tissue, and the formation of scar tissue.   A degree of flexibility will be returned to the site through progressive mobilisation however, attention needs also to be paid to stretching exercises

An athlete who has finished a treatment and rehabilitation program is not ready to...