Outcome Measures Ot

Using Outcome Measures in Occupational Therapy (Within a group setting)
The purposes of using outcome measures are two - fold:
  1) To support evidence-based OT practice
“Professional credibility requires the demonstration of efficient and effective interventions. The ability to determine a patient’s functional status through a standardised assessment is essential for effective treatment planning and outcome measurement” (Welch & Forster 2003)

  2) To convince powerful others of the value of OT

“Greater accountability…including improved quality of care, increased transparency and monitoring of care provided, value for money and improvements in the information available to health care commissioners and the public about the nature and consequences of health care interventions”
(Fonaghy et al, 2004, p.13)
(Mental Health Outcome Measurement Initiative)

Drivers for the use of outcome measures

  * Government (legislation)
  * The Department of Health (policy)
  * Commissioners of services (funding and priorities)
  * Managers (service budgets and targets)
  * Practitioners (resources, effectiveness)
  * Clients/patients (treatment and care)

Which outcome measures should we use?

  * Those which tell us (and others) how effective our intervention is.

  * What are our intended outcomes?

  * What about multiple outcomes?

(Eakin P, 2008)

A standardized assessment has a uniform procedure to administer and score the assessment (Anastasi, 1988; de Clive-Lowe, 1996), and an approach to determine how ‘well’, or how ‘badly’ the client has performed. This may be either through norm referencing or criterion referencing (de Clive-Lowe, 1996). Assessments that are standardized also have information concerning their reliability and validity, which is essential for the correct interpretation of the results (de Clive-Lowe, 1996).

They are numerous outcome measures which could be applied to our client group. However for the...