Process and Outcome

CheckPoint: Process and Outcome Evaluations
HSM 270
December 21, 2012
Dr. Dakira Starks-Walker 

Outcome-based evaluations focus on if the organization or program is succeeding. The examination of pre and post intervention data is collected to determine their effect on the targeted population. The three main focus categories in the evaluation are getting things done, member development and community strength. Outcome evaluations are an ongoing process that yields reliable results.
e.g. A comparison group can be identified at the beginning, during or after an intervention. Identify a group of individuals compatible to the clients, but who have not been exposed to the services or interventions offered to the clients. Outcomes for the client are compared with outcomes for the comparison group.
e.g. Data is collected before an intervention begins, the baseline assessment. After completion of the intervention, data is collected from the same participants for a follow-up assessment. The data is compared to identify changes or improvement for the outcome measurement.

Process evaluation method uses qualitative and quantitative measures to check the effectiveness of program benefits, documenting the appropriateness and acceptability of the program for the targeted community. The three main components of the process evaluation are program planning, program interventions, and data-base management systems. Data is collected from community and clients, staff training and recruitment, all the detailed data gathered permits a complete analysis of goals, objectives, and costs.
e.g. Program staff may collect data from activities such as attendance, demographics, participation, intake interview to note changes in service delivery and program implementation.
e.g. An evaluation staff member will collect qualitative information regarding implementation, and any information subject to bias.