Nvq 5 Health and Social Care

CU2941 – Use and develop systems that promote communication
      1.1 – There are a range of people that I support that have communication needs that need addressing, some service users have high capacity and can verbally communicate with minimal assistance, however they can need support in wording their feelings and emotions in appropriate ways. Some people prefer to write things down instead of speaking as they can feel afraid of voicing their true opinions and feelings. Some people use sign language or basic makaton to communicate – staff will be placed on training to support an individual with this specific need so that communication is as effective as possible. I also work with people that cannot verbalise and use other methods such as PEC symbols which are pictures that explain words and feelings, in my role I can show the staff how to use these effectively with each individual, which PECS that person relates to more, how big the pictures should be if adding symbols to their system and how to verbally reinforce every picture shown.   Some people I work with cannot use PECS or verbalise and they rely on objects of reference which means showing them the actual object or guiding their attention to the place they need to go. These people can become confused during this process so it is vital that staff have good knowledge and training to work with people that have complex needs like this so that they minimise anxiety and ensure the person feels that they can be understood.   It’s important that I teach the staff the best practise ways of working with the individuals and that they attend additional training if needed that is specific to that person, and it is also key to build up a good working relationship with the person so that staff can recognise any facial expressions and body language that may indicate more of what that person is trying to express.   I communicate with the service users families verbally to ensure face to face contact is made weekly as they...