
Homework. We all hate it. It’s stressful, tiring and can ruin your lifestyle. When a student comes home after 6 and a ½ hours of school, dragging a bag full of homework which would take you hour after hour of staring at a piece of paper or a computer screen, it can really frustrate you and get under your skin. Yes, homework is important though, it helps you reinforce and maintain what you learnt in class, but too much isn’t helpful at all. After an hour of homework, it is tested and proven that students start to slack off, becoming uninterested in the topic and start to forget what they’re doing and their mind wonders off. This, in the long term, affects your marks and you forget more than what you remember. This also limits you, as a student, your freedom. You have less time for your own personal business. Shouldn’t we, as students, have a life outside of school? We should have time for our own business like spending time with friends and family, sports and other hobbies you might have. If you have a part time job or contribute to community service, you will have to pre-organise YOUR lifestyle so you don’t struggle for the future. Lack of sleep is also another issue. Homework usually keeps students studying late into the night. Students then wake up the next morning without the natural 8 hour sleep you should normally have. In class, they become drowsy and the teacher’s dictation goes in one ear and out the other. Homework can also affect you mentally. When homework stresses you bad enough, you start to complete your homework quickly, not checking if your answers are right or wrong, or you start copying other students work. This happens because your mind is only reading one message “ The less homework, the less stress”. Usually when a teacher assigns too much homework, you don’t learn anything. Cutting down homework is a simple and effective way for students to take in more information and also maintain it. This may mean you might work slower in class but you...