
1. Give an an example for each Development of consumer behavior research approach from the hospitality industry.

Positivist approach:
You got 2 hotels beside each other. They give the same service in every aspect. One has lower prices. Guests are going to choose the one is cheaper. The decision made on pure logic.

In Mexico on the beach we had 2 companies to provide the wave runners. The one , who offers the rent for cheaper, choose the people.

Interpretevist approach:
People were looking for me to teach them to dive because they heard about me through their friends. They even paid 40% more just because they heard I am safer.

Post modern approach:
In Mexico we had this party boat. We provided 3 different menus. 1 was vegetarian; the other was steak the third was with lobster. Almost everybody was choosing the lobster. It is because in their mind was that it is something special “upper-class”. A lot of them came to this tour because they can eat lobster.

A lot of tours are promoted as a great ultimate adventure: jungle tours, become a dolphin trainer, become a Caribbean pirate. Rent a yacht and enjoy the life of a rock star etc..

2. Give an example for a hospitality service. Explain why is it a service using the five traditionally stated characteristics of services.



    ← Inability to touch an item: you cannot touch it
    ← Consumers can only experience the services performance: You feel it only when you are diving
    ← Services are an abstract concept for consumers, meaning that they are   highly subjective: Some people just freak out from depth, the fact that you are breathing through a hose


    ← No distinction between delivery and use as services are produced and consumed simultaneously :You consume when you dive
    ← Customer can - through the service encounter – become part of the service: When I am teaching in the pool other people are coming by and join us because they see...