Evaluate Own Role and Responsibilities in Lifelong Learning

1.3 Evaluate own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning
As a teacher within the lifelong learning I have various roles and responsibilities as set out by the IFL, The teaching and learning cycle, policies and procedures and codes of conduct as well as legislation such as The Equality Act 2010/2012 and Health and Safety Act 1998 The Further Education Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations (2007)   . However such responsibilities within my role are not without boundaries and restrictions and may sometimes present a challenge.
It is my responsibility to:
• Initiate the Teacher Cycle
• identify the needs of my learners
• Plan/ Design the course
• Deliver the Course
• Assess what learners have learnt
• Evaluate the Course
This includes carrying out interviews, initial assessments to establish preferred learning styles and any additional support/ learning needs, establishing previous learning achievements and ground rules and identifying any welfare issues and agreeing short, medium and long term goals with my learners in the form of an individual learning plans (ILP). My role includes the preparation of teaching and learning resources, using a variety of inclusive teaching approaches, with consideration to differentiation, learner and learning support to assess both learner progress and my own continuous professional development.
It is important that am able to identify where my role as a teacher stops and the boundaries within my responsibilities lay, for example I must try not to get personally involved with my learners and ensure that I remain professional and act with integrity and impartially. Boundaries are also challenges, which can be formed as a direct result of factors such as lack of funding, changes in policy and government targets, changes in legislation or even a lack of time. I may be presented with a case, where a learner expresses to me that they would like to learn about a specific aspect of Sugarcraft. However although I...