Editorial Blog Responses

Greenpeace’s Stance
Greenpeace International’s position is that Global Warming (climate change) is very real. They state on their site that our planet is hotter today than it has ever been in two thousand years. Greenpeace goes on to state that by the end of the century, if current trends continue, the global temperature will likely climb higher than at any time in the past two million years.
While the beginning of the 21st century may not have been the hottest time in the history of our planet, what is unique is that the warmth is global and cannot be explained by the natural mechanisms that consistent with causes of previous warm periods. The consensus in the scientific community is that humanity is largely responsible for the climate change, and that choices we make today will affect our planet of the future
For over a century, we have relied on fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas for our energy needs. By burning these fuels, we release the global warming gas carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. Other, even more potent, greenhouse gasses are also playing a role, as is massive rate in which we are cutting down earth’s forests.
Editorial Blog Responses
Research shows us that climate change (Global Warming) is very real.
Today, our planet is hotter today than it has ever been in two thousand years. If current trend continues; the global temperature will likely climb higher than at any time in the past two million years by the end of this century.
For over a century, we have relied on fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas for our energy needs. By burning these fuels, we release the global warming gas carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. Other, even more potent, greenhouse gasses are also playing a role, as is massive rate in which we are cutting down our planet’s forests.
This writer considers this subject a moral issue because not only does global warming have a negative effect our planet’s eco system; it affects our future health of our families...